This was our first official week of summer! It has not been too hot yet this year so we have enjoyed lots of outside time! The garden is doing great and the kids love to go out and explore what is growing. The girls are still learning when to pick vegetables…

For example this was their latest harvest, lots of very young squash. They are super fast and have things picked off the vine as soon as I turn my back.

Bell peppers, banana peppers and tomatoes are coming in great. The greatest thing is they know we are going to use them in the kitchen after we pick them from the garden. The squash turned into a great breakfast water buffalo hash along with garlic and onion. The bell peppers work great in smoothies or cut raw for lunches or snacks. The banana peppers are best eaten raw, seeds and all according to the girls. The boys devour the tomatoes and also like them with rice wine vinegar, plenty of real salt and cracked black pepper.

Perhaps the easiest way to incorporate veggies is in a salad. The kids all like tuna salad, which is actually a mix of sardines, tuna and salmon. I just add whatever is ready in the garden to boost the salad. This time I sautéed the veggies, let them cool and added them to the fish along with red wine vinegar and avocado oil mayo. I used banana peppers, zucchini, orange and green bell pepper, onion, garlic and pineapple sage. The girls like to scoop it up with plantain chips for lunch and the boys eat it plain in their thermos at school.

We celebrated the girls turning 2 1/2. Yes, that is their one year old candle. But, it worked…I could not find any other candles for their celebration. Their treat was raw milk yogurt, toasted coconut chips, raisins, bananas and cinnamon. They enjoyed every bite!

We have had a little bit of everything this week. From an indoor obstacle course, courtesy of Cameron and Maddy to reading with Gammy.

We had two very sweet little girls turned into fairy princesses with lots of bling.

We found two baby bunnies. Which is a sad and long story. So will leave it with some cute pictures.

The boys were sweet and liked seeing them up close. I think we might be ready for a pet. I would prefer something useful like a cow or chickens, but that unfortunately won’t work for our current yard space.

The boys had their final T-ball game with Coach Daddy. They learned so much and really grew their skill set.

The boys helped me make a new batch of egg free apricot seed muffins and Cameron helped me wash the floor with his helper feet.

Living a real food lifestyle has its challenges and definitely has me wondering some days if I am on the right path. But, when I look at the four little faces that I am responsible for, I know that I am doing the best that I can for them. Each day I am learning new strategies and making changes to improve our “system”. My goal is to raise happy and healthy kids.
It is super exciting to find supporters and other like-minded moms who believe in the same principles. One site I recently learned about is called mamavation. It is excellent!! Look at this really important article citing why your kids don’t need sports drinks! Websites and the associated communities like mamavation are important because they help spread a positive educational message. The more we know as moms, the better decision we can make for our kids. We should not be afraid to change and go against the “typical”.
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