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Amy Slater
May 13, 20173 min read
Meal planning AND Bone Broth Soup
As you know, I have four children, two sets of twins. The girls are almost 2 1/2 and the boys are 6 1/2. The boys can disassemble a room...

Amy Slater
May 8, 20174 min read
FIVE Tips for Whole Food Kids
In my last post, I talked about the importance of sticking to a real food template despite bumps in the road. Those bumps could come from...

Amy Slater
Apr 29, 20171 min read
Moms4Health for You
I am firing back up the blog with the same passion for bringing you fresh ideas. Moms4Health is all about empowering Moms! I am inspired...

Amy Slater
Dec 31, 20164 min read
How we use real food: from breakfast to dinner!
What can you do with real food? Let me tell you… The girls have now turned two and the boys are six! Every day is an adventure that is...

Amy Slater
Dec 8, 20162 min read
Maintaining sanity with two sets of twins
Right now it is 5:00 in the morning an I am sitting on the floor in front of the fire, next to the Christmas tree. All is quiet in the...

Amy Slater
Sep 30, 20162 min read
Adventures in “twin land”
I have so many adventures to share from the boy’s first nine weeks of kindergarden. We managed to walk every day to and from school which...
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