The moving day came quickly! Thursday evening after we closed, I brought all of our food and pantry items to the new house. It was exciting to get everything organized and settled. Friday morning, we had a quick breakfast, and then it was time to bring the boys to school. Suddenly they were both sick, you know with a terrible “cold”. Cameron got a pass and got to stay home because he was coughing during the night and if he had enough foresight to fake cough at night to stay home the next day… I give him bonus points. He was pretty helpful the day before as you can see here. William on the other hand was playing in a mud puddle with his cars and had no interest in helping move anything!

It was a fun day filled with lots of great movement! My kind of day!! Cameron was a big helper and was completely thrilled to help the movers in any way he could.

My favorite part of the day was, of course the great exercise! AND…driving my husband’s truck!

I picked up William after lunch and let him join in on the fun! Things moved along quickly and soon it was time for dinner!

The girls and I had prepared our dinner several weeks ahead of time in anticipation of our first night in the new house.
You can find the rest of our recipe videos on my Insta page @moms4healthusa or a on the FB page at moms4health.
This was Cameron’s plate: Steamed broccoli Baked orange sweet potato Sourdough spelt bread with Kerrygold butter Mixed greens with avocado oil and vinegar *Organ meat lasagna with veggie sauce and lentil noodles
I used as many greens from our old garden as I could in the sauce along with fresh garlic, tomatoes and onions for an immune boost. I chose to use a lovely pastured feta cheese from our CSA along with fresh basil and oregano instead of ricotta. The organ meat was a blend of pastured ground beef, heart, liver and kidney. I browned them in the pan with pastured ground pork and Italian seasoning. I used Organic green lentil lasagna noodles by Explore Cuisine and they turned out really great! I will use them again!
I stretched the lasagna to last 3 nights along with salad and vegetables!

The views around our town are really lovely! We are grateful to live in such an area that still has small farms and lots of trees!

I planned simple meals for the first week in our new house because I knew there would be a lot of unpacking and organizing still to do! Costco sells a wild caught flash frozen Keta salmon that is really convenient and tasty! So, that was the plan for the next meal in our new house!
Baked Keta salmon with cilantro (trimmed from our old garden), garlic powder and Redmond’s real salt. I also served steamed broccoli or beets, a side salad with tomato, avocado, cucumber and chives and baked white or orange sweet potato.

Here is William’s plate for our next meal in our new house, organ meat meatballs and veggie sauce. I served the meatballs and sauce with Tolerant Foods Organic green lentil rotini. I also served a simple side salad of avocado, fermented carrots, steamed cauliflower and fresh basil.
Madelyn does not like any type of noodle but she LOVES white sweet potato, steamed green beans and Crown Prince smoked oysters! I also gave her one meatball.

One of the cool things about our new place is that we have more room! This has shifted the dynamic of the household. The kids play really well together…most of the time. But, when they don’t they definitely can use their own space! This is especially true at the dinner table! They seem to require at least an arm’s length from their neighbor!

We are excited to continue to share exciting moments of our new house with you!