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  • Writer's pictureAmy Slater

Mixed Berry and Apple Crumble with Molasses

Crumbles are a simple way to fuel your kids for school or satisfy a sweet tooth after dinner! If you are looking for a warm meat or egg free breakfast with protein from the nuts and seeds, well here you go! Top with a bit of greek yogurt, cashew or coconut cream or even a bit of cottage cheese with a sprinkle of cinnamon!

The crumble works great in lunch or snack boxes for school too!!

Of course like all of my posts, I want to consider the nutrient value of the ingredients. Every meal should serve to build health not break it down! This is especially important for kids who are growing at such a rapid rate that every bite really does count!

Health Benefits

Almond Flour

One ounce (28 grams) contains: Calories: 163 Fat: 14.2 g Protein: 6.1 g Carbohydrate: 5.6 g Fiber: 3 g

Almond flour is especially rich in Vitamin E which is a group of fat soluble vitamins important in fighting oxidation. Antioxidants fight agains free radicals which can negatively impact the health of cells. Magnesium is another nutrient found in almond flour which is involved in stabilizing blood sugar, reducing insulin resistance and lowering blood pressure. Magnesium plays a key role in reducing inflammation which is the root of most disease!

Flax Seed

Flax seeds are rich in protein and fiber! One tablespoon contains: Calories: 37 Protein: 1.3 g Carbohydrate: 2 g Fiber: 1.9 g Fat: 3g Omega-3 fatty acids: 1,597 mg*

*Omega-3 Fatty Acids: According to the Institute of Medicine, children ages 1-3 require 700 mg of total omega-3s daily, children ages 4-8 need about 900 mg. Girls ages 9-13 require 1,000 mg and boys in the same age group need 1,200 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids per day. Total omega-3 fatty acids include ALA, DHA and EPA. Flax seeds are a source of ALA (a mostly plant based omega-3 fatty acids) where fatty fish is a source of DHA and EPA.

Pumpkin Seeds

One ounce of pumpkin seeds has:

Calories: 151 Fat: 13 g Protein: 7 g Carbohydrate: 5 g

Magnesium 600 chemical reactionsis a mineral lacking in most Western populations and is needed for more than in your body. Pumpkin seeds are one of the best natural sources of magnesium.

Manganese is a trace mineral which is required for normal brain , nervous system and enzyme function. One ounce of pumpkin seeds contains 42% of the RDI of this essential nutrient! Your body can store up to 20 mg in your kidneys, liver, pancreas and bones but you may also need to get it from your diet!


Molasses is considered a nutrient dense sweetener with one tablespoon containing only 47 calories but offers: Iron (3.6 mg or 20% of the RDA) Calcium (176 mg or 17.6% of the RDA) Copper (0.42 mg or 21% of the RDA) Manganese (0.54 mg or 27% of the RDA) Magnesium (44 mg or 11% of the RDA) Potassium (510 mg or 9.7% of the RDA) B vitamins, including B6 (0.15 mg or 7.5% of the RDA) Selenium (3.6 mg or 5.2% of the RDA)

This recipe is infinitely customizable! It can change with the seasons! Swap the apples for peaches. Use strawberries and blueberries in the late spring and pears in the fall! Enjoy your favorite variations year round.


6 cups mixed frozen berries, thawed with liquid 2 cups diced apple 1/4 cup ground flax seed 2 cups almond flour 1 cup chopped pumpkin seeds 1/4 cup molasses 1/4 cup coconut oil 1 tsp cinnamon

Putting It All Together:

  1. Preheat the oven to 350F. Lightly oil a 9×13 inch baking dish with coconut oil. Pour the berries along with their liquid and the diced apple into the prepared dish.

  2. In your food processor, add the almond flour, ground flax seed, molasses, coconut oil and cinnamon,, and pulse together until crumbly. Add the pumpkin seeds and pulse until chopped.

  3. Sprinkle the flour-seed mixture over the berry mixture and bake for 45 minutes uncovered.

  4. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days!

Nutrition Data: 12 servings

Calories: 302 calories Fat: 20.9 g Carbohydrate: 24.4 g Protein: 7.3 g Fiber: 7.3 g Calcium: 22.4% Iron 29.9%


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