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  • Writer's pictureAmy Slater

Our New House: The Big Move! Part One

Our family had a big change this month, with a move into a new house! We are slowly making it our home! I loved our old house, everything from the garden to the walkability of the neighborhood to my amazing neighbors. We had many special memories in that house, and it was the girls’ first home!

We quickly outgrew our little house and it was time to move on. Fortunately, we sold our house in two days to a lovely family with triplet boys! Can you believe it! It truly is the house of multiples! It took us a couple of weeks after selling to find our perfect home.

We finally found one that met our needs for space and an office for my husband as he works from home. His previous office was in our bedroom which really did not work well! Our new home has a beautiful kitchen, a large pantry (my needs are met :), a playroom, a flat backyard with a great mix of trees and sun in the garden, a nature trail, and a lake behind the house. I found a great deal on a playlet at Costco so the kids have an awesome place to climb, swing, and slide!

Planning for the move to stay on track

The boys were still in school during our move so we had to keep a semblance of a schedule, including school lunches, baseball, and taekwondo,! I wrote our lunch and dinner menu to keep meals simple and planned for lots of leftovers.

The girls and I made our organ meat lasagna with veggie sauce a couple of weeks before we moved and froze it to bake for our first night in the new house. You can find our videos of us making the lasagna on Moms4Health Facebook Page, or on my Instagram page (@moms4healthusa). I planned to serve this for three nights, so I had to stretch it with salad, veggies, sweeInstagramt potato, and spelt sourdough.

One last ride and workout from the old house!

We moved the week of memorial day weekend, which means I could ride my bike THREE days in a row!! The only time I can ride is in the morning 5:30-7:45 and that is only safe on weekends or holidays. So, three rides in a row are a HUGE treat!! I rode to some beautiful places around our home and was treated to amazing sunrises!

I enjoyed three great workouts that weekend! I documented all on my Instagram page (@moms4healthusa) and Moms4Health Facebook page as an Essential Mom Movement Circuit.

I planned our garden this year, knowing we were moving, so we would have some use of the ground and something to take with us in pots. I also wanted to leave a gift to the new homeowners to enjoy! The girls and I moved the garden to my mom’s house on the Monday before we moved! After a great workout and a beautiful bike ride I was ready for more movement!Monday,

The girls were big helpers! It was fun to watch them carry some pretty heavy pots, figure out how to hold them, and get them on the truck without spilling. Proud mama!

My project!

We stored a lot of boxes under our house in the crawl space and all had to come out. My husband is over 6 and tall so it is difficult for him to maneuver under the house… so that job was mine. I waited until the girls went down for a nap and then set to work. It had rained the night before which meant I could not drag anything up to the garage because it would get all muddy! Never before have I been so grateful for the tensile strength that I have developed in my core and hips than moving boxes, bags, tables, etc. From a small space in a crouched position up a hill and into the garage. It took me an hour an a half of constant back and forth! I loved every minute of it!!

I planned something simple that required minimal kitchen equipment! We enjoyed a garden salad, sauerkraut, white sweet potato with butter, steamed frozen mixed vegetables, and pastured pork sausage from Valley Love Organic.

Moving day morning, I enjoyed a great workout with the Pelvicore Ball packed up the boys lunches, made their breakfast, and got ready for the big day! The girls went to stay with my Mom, for obvious reasons and the moving began!!

I harvested one more bunch of veggies from the garden to get us through smoothies and salads for the next week or so. The carrots are still fueling our smoothies today!

Eleven hours later, everything was cleaned out, cleaned, and polished ready for the new homeowners. And, I walked out of our house for the last time. It was a little sad, but also exciting because I know there is a lot of good to come!

Staying at Gammy’s house!

We stayed with my mom for two nights and, goodness knows she got her too full of grandkids! I planned to maintain my movement practice while at my mom’s house because I wanted to be in a full function to move into our new house and then get things organized! Annabelle supervised all workouts, of course!

We enjoyed some great meals that I planned ahead of time!

I made plenty of my seed bread, also known as, The Best Grain and Nut Free Bread! Nut-Free

I kept myself fueled up with great nutrition too!

Let’s just sum it up as a boding experience for us all!

Tune into Part 2 to see how the move in went and how we are adjusting to the new place!


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